On July 10, on the occasion of Fisherman’s Day, the Atyrau Regional Museum of History and Local Lore organized a temporary exhibition “The Land Rich In Fish”.

On July 10, on the occasion of Fisherman’s Day, the Atyrau Regional Museum of History and Local Lore organized a temporary exhibition “The Land Rich In Fish”. The event was attended by students and teachers of the Kazakh secondary school “Zhana Sharua” of the Kyzylkoga district and members of the youth labor collective “Zhasyl El”, created at the cultural center of the village of Damby.

The exhibition from the museum fund includes a decree of the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR, published in 1983, a photocopy of the newspaper "Socialist Construction" issue No. 360 for 1945, the working process of the Guryev fish processing plant, historical photographs of the moment of fishing, cans of fish products from the fish canning plant , a model of sturgeon, fisherman's clothing, fishing gear, as well as a certificate of awarding the honorary title “Hero of Socialist Labor” to fish splitter A. Baizhigitov, whose work has been recognized in our region for many years, biographical information and documentary materials of Kh. Gabdolova and of K. Aliev.

Educational lesson dedicated to the 380th anniversary of the famous biy Aiteke Baibekuly

On June 20, an educational lesson dedicated to the 380th anniversary of statesman Aiteke biy Baibekuly, one of the three famous biys who contributed to strengthening the unity of the Kazakh people, was held at the Atyrau Regional Museum of History and Local Lore.

Biy of the junior zhuz Aiteke biy from the Alshyn tribe was one of the three wise biys who were advisers to Tauke Khan. The purpose of the lesson is to popularize the biography of Aiteke biy, his wisdom and oratory, which are an example for new generations.

The educational lesson was attended by students of the camp organized by the center of Abay and the Almaly secondary school.


Lesson-lecture “Nauryz kozhe - Ulys dami” on the occasion of the Nauryz holiday.

On March 19, a lesson-lecture on the topic “Nauryz kozhe - Ulys dami” was held at the Atyrau Regional Museum of History and Local Lore, dedicated to the Nauryz holiday.

At the lecture, student participants were told about the features of this spring holiday and explained the meaning of Nauryz kozhe. Traditionally, the Nauryz holiday has long been celebrated from the village to the whole country, and people greeted each other with the words “May the people live, may wealth be abundant, may misfortune and slander pass us by,” drank kozhe and organized entertaining games. Nauryz Kozhe is a sacred drink that is prepared on this great holiday of the people. It was prepared for a long time in every home during the spring holiday as a ritual of abundance for the coming year. Methods for preparing the main drink of Nauryz, consisting of at least seven different products, were described, and during the lecture, students shared their questions and answers.

Traditional cultural events “Korisu – Nauryzdyn Bastauy” and “Tusau Kesu” took place.

March 16 – on the Day of Culture and National Traditions, the Atyrau Regional Museum of History and Local Lore held a traditional cultural event “Korisu-nauryzdyn bastauy” and “Tusau kesu” with the participation of members of the association “Spiritual and Patriotic Association “Elsana”.

During the event, “Batagoy” aksakal Akmyrza Batyrkayyruly, from the “Babalar uni” collegium of elders of the spiritual and patriotic association “Elsana”, spoke about the meaning and importance of the “Korisu” holiday - an ancient tradition that is best preserved in the western region of Kazakhstan, gave bata (blessing) and expressed good wishes to the young people who took part in the event.

Tusau kesu is one of the most beautiful rituals of the Kazakh people. During the event, the president of the spiritual-patriotic association “Elsana” Nurbergen Abdireshuli Dauletov cut the bonds of baby Ayat according to the ritual, expressed his wishes to the child, and the elders gave their bata.

The event was attended by the president and head of the spiritual-patriotic association “Elsana”, members of the “Babalar Uni” board, chairmen, leaders and members of the “Altyn Adam” awarding site, the military-patriotic site “Kokzhal”, “Inabat”, “Asem әuen” , “Ult Murasy”, “Ak Dastarkhan” and the sites of the tradition “Dastur”, the craft site “Ak Saule”, participants of the National Kurultai who visited the museum, employees of the company “KEGOC” (Kazakhstan Electricity Grid Operating Company), visitors who came to the “Open Day” doors" and employees of the Atyrau Regional Museum of History and Local Lore.

A master class of artisans was held at the Atyrau Regional Museum of History and Local Lore.

On March 13, a master class of artisans was held at the Atyrau Regional Museum of History and Local Lore.

The main goal: to instill in the younger generation the concepts of beauty, ethics, respect for national values with the help of the aesthetic and spiritual wealth of the Kazakh people - national jewelry, wood and leather products.

The master class was attended by Kenes Aiypkaliev, a master leatherworker, a diploma winner of the UNESCO competition among masters of applied arts of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Kaliev, who has been fond of wood carving since his youth, a well-known master artist in our region and the republic, who continues the craft of his ancestors, winner of many competitions, Kairat Shapabaev, a young jeweler from Atyrau, црш revives the national heritage in accordance with the modernity, turning stone into incomparable jewelry, glorifying national ornaments, casting silver, embossing historical symbols found in the Kazakh steppe. All participants introduced their products.

The event was attended by students of the Atyrau Humanitarian College named after K. Dutbaeva and master teachers, course teachers of the National Center for Advanced Studies "Orleu".


Museum lecture on the topic “Interesting facts about seals” in honor of International Marine Mammal Protection Day

On February 19, the Atyrau Regional Museum of History and Local Lore hosted a museum lecture on the topic “Interesting facts about seals” for students of Atyrau University named after Kh. Dosmukhamedov for World Marine Mammal Protection Day.

The purpose of the lecture was to inform students about the peculiarities of life of the endemics of the Caspian Sea - seals, to teach them to take care and protect the nature of their region, to contribute to the formation of environmental literacy, the manifestation of kindness, humanity and mercy towards the animal world, the priceless wealth of our country.

At the lecture, students were told about the Caspian Sea, near which our people have been a refuge for centuries, as well as about research on seals, its biology, nutrition, molting, migration, distribution, role in ecology, its importance, as well as the reasons for the decline in this animal’s numbers, which has become one of the symbols of the Caspian Sea. The film “Ien kaida, itbalyk?!” was also shown. It was about a wonderful creation of nature, the most important part of the Caspian ecosystem - the Caspian seal.

Educational lecture “Zhyrym menin - zhanarym elge karar” on the occasion of the 85th anniversary of the birth of Nuraly Azhigaliev.

An educational lecture “Zhyrym menin - zhanarym elge karar” was held at the Atyrau regional museum of history and local lore on the occasion of the 85th anniversary of Nuraly Azhigaliev. The lecture was attended by students and teachers of the secondary school named after Kh. Dospanova. After the informative lecture, the students were given a tour of the exhibition halls.

An event “National Jewelry” was held on February 14, with the cooperation of the Atyrau Regional Museum of History and Local Lore, the association of mothers “Inabat”, the spiritual and patriotic association “Elsana” and members of the “Ulttyk Mura” project.

The main goal of the cultural event was to instill in the younger generation the concepts of beauty, ethics, and respect for national values with the help of the aesthetic and spiritual wealth of the Kazakh people - national jewelry.

During the event, Deputy Head of the Atyrau Regional Museum of History and Local Lore S. Uskenbaev spoke about the importance of the national values of the Kazakh people and wished success to the joint event. At the event, members of the associations “Elsana”, “Inabat”, “Ulttyk Mura” and students of secondary school No. 19 named after. Y. Altynsarin told about the types of jewelry and their unique value; Onirzhiek (chest decoration), bracelet, ring in the form of a bird's beak, etc. and about the methods and secrets of making jewelry, educational value, benefits and healing properties for the human body, the history of jewelry that they wear and use.

«Lessons of history - Tribute to the past»

On the occasion of the 140th anniversary of the birth of the distinguished statesman and public figure, the leader of «Alash» movement, Professor Khalel Dosmukhameduly, an exhibition titled «Lessons of history - Tribute to the past» was opened.

Local history museum of Atyrau region

Atyrau city, street B.Momyshuly 3.

Tel. 8 (7122) 32-36-64, 8 (7122) 32-29-12

Email: atyrau-museum@mail.ru