
Kurmangazy district museum

Kurmangazy district museum was formed in 1963 and was included into Atyrau regional local history museum by decision No.248 of cultural department of district in 1982.

By topical system a memorabilia representing history, economics, culture and art, wild world of district was divided into four part. They: “Local history between II c. BC and I half of XX century”, “Ethnography and nature”, “District history between 1918 and 1980”, “Local culture and literature” exposition rooms were arranged and offered to spectator’s attention.

Every memorabilia was distinguished by knowing tomorrow and today of district. The picture of local historical figure who made contribution to development of the district, documents of their life, archival record stating their work done in the sphere of health, education, valuable jewelry articles, total 11196 memorabilia were collected.    

To publicize national custom, memorabilia with historical value, educate the young generation to respect county’s history is the main educational work of museum.    


Isatay district museum

I.Taimanuly museum was opened on 21 September 1991 for celebrating 200 years of anniversary of I.Taimanuly at Republic scale.

Museum exposition shows the history and culture, literature and art of Isatay district, personal and working life of war and work veterans.

Museum fund collected along with achieved documents about the way of formation, development of region, valuable memorabilia. Today museum fund is filled with 5673 memorabilia. 


Inder district museum

Inder district museum was opened in September 1990 as a department of Atyrau regional local history museum.

There are expositional rooms like district history, Inder district’s honorable person, the Great Patriotic War time, ethnography, local nature in the museum. In the exposition rooms you can find documents about district history, constant exhibitions of the distinguished sons of Kazakh nation such as Makhambet Utemisov, Murat Monkeuly, religious figure Ayip kazhy Bokenuly and as well as mammoth’s bone, national dress, handiwork, other valuable articles and documents, total 5185 fund savings in the museum.

Museum developed the direction of its activity as per modern request, for the purpose of educating the young generation, respecting the local history cultural events and exhibition were held.


Museum of paleontology

Atyrau regional local history museum’s paleontology department was opened on the base of the Order No.44 of regional administration dated 12 February 2003.

The collected memorabilia was notable with its value among the world museum fund. All the memorabilia were found in Akkegershin , Aktolagay chalk mountain. Akkegershin Chalk Mountain is situated 60-70 m far from   Kulsary town; Aktolagay Chalk Mountain is situated in the board with Aktobe.

There are teeth of sharks, skate, stoned bone of plesiosaur, vertebrata, and snail as well as bones of wild bull, mammoth,criniterhinoceros lived 100-150 million years ago in the museum. Total is around eight thousand memorabilia.

The main direction of museum:  to give information about presence of animal lived million years ago, their fossils, primate organisms (sponge, pearl, shellfish, snail, ammonite, belemnite, sea-hedgehog etc.), peculiarities of their living, species, stages of breeding and reasons of their disappearance for guests, to conduct lessons and to arrange a removal exhibition for students.


Kh.Yergaliyev museum

A museum named after a laureate of state prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan, honorable figure of Atyrau region Kh.Yergaliyev was officially opened on the eve of poet’s 90 years anniversary in 2007 on the base of resolution No.466 of the Government of the Republic of Kazkahstan dated 22 May 1998.

There kept personal things of Kh.Yergaliyev (shapan, headdress, eye glasses, brief case, stick, writing table), original of his works and manuscript in museum fund. As well as there are personal things of people who contributed to development of district, distinguished with his noble work, total 382 memorabilia in museum exposition.

The museum work was conducted as planned and held educational lessons and events in publicizing warrior’s life full of heroism.


   Yeltay museum

Yeltay museum was formed in the 80s of the last age on social base and officially opened in 2000.

Museum spectator can get acquainted with documents of the Great Patriotic War veterans, veteran worker, well known public workers from our region. In the museum fund there kept valuable things and documents, total 2830 showpieces.

The different cultural events, educational lessons, meeting of veterans with the young generation was held and museum took part in developing patriotic spirit in the young generation.  


B.Nysanbayev “Military glory” museum

In accordance with the Order No. 83 of Atyrau regional cilture department as of 29 April 2011 B.Nysanbayev “Military glory” museum was formed.

There are memorabilia and documents describing the beginning of 1941-1945 the Great Patriotic War and Boran Nysanbayev’s life, heroism, relatives, the order of the USSR Higher Council Presidium, also, some ground brought form the grave of  B.Nysanbayev, his military shell splinters and cap used in wartime, Boran burst, total 346 memorabilia in the museum fund.

The museum work was conducted as planned and held educational lessons and events in publicizing warrior’s life full of heroism.


M.Utemisov literary and memorial museum

M.Utemisov literary and memorial museum was formed in 2012 as a department of Atyrau regional local history museum. The mentioned museum was completely renovated by support of   Atyrau regional local history museum in respect of 210 years anniversary of M.Utemisov in 2013 and new exposition rooms were arranged.

Today there collected archival documents and valuable books, memorabilia describing heroism and life, work of the distinguished warrior, poet M.Utmisov in museum fund; total showpieces are 121.

M.Utemisov literary and memorial museum collective inform the residents and guests of region, district, village about life and work of the warrior and publicize his heroism to the young generation.


Museum Park named after M.Utemisov

Museum Park named after M.Utemisov was formed in 1992. Makhambet’s graveyard was embossed with sign of Berish a pointed belt, its  cupola was constructed as soldierly helmet, on top of it a triangle stone was put. All of it shows heroism of the warrior.

The renovation work was conducted in the museum-park for 200 years anniversary of the warrior in 2003, trees were planted around the park, road leading to the graveyard was repaired.   

A staff of museum park organized a great deal of work aimed to publicize life, work of the one of the leaders of rebel between 1836-1838, witness of Kazakh literature figure, poet M.Utemisov, a talented Kazakh poet M.Monkeuly who sung love for motherland, heroism and courage.   

From all the end of country and abroad guests willing to bow to a warrior’s spirit, often visit the museum park.

Local history museum of Atyrau region

Atyrau city, street B.Momyshuly 3.

Tel. 8 (7122) 32-36-64, 8 (7122) 32-29-12
