To mark the 125th anniversary of the eruption of the first oil fountain in Kazakhstan, the museum opened a temporary exhibition, “Karashungul – the first oil field in Kazakhstan.”
Goals of exhibition: to give young people an idea of the general history of Kazakhstani oil, the history of fields, oil production in our country, the impact and benefits of domestic oil production on the country's economy today and in the future.
The exhibition presented materials from the Central State Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Almaty, the Central State Archive of Scientific and Technical Documentation, as well as documentary materials and exhibits from the fund of the Atyrau Regional Museum of History and Local Lore. The exhibition was supplemented by models of the Karashungul and Dossor oil fields and also an oil tower.
The exhibition was opened by the head of the Atyrau regional department of culture and language development A. Taufikovich, and historians researching the history of oil Berdigozhin Leskali Bazargaliuly, associate professor of the Atyrau University named after Kh. Dosmukhamedov, doctor of historical sciences and Mukhitov Kabibek Sadiruly, associate professor of the Atyrau University named after Kh. Dosmukhamedov, candidate of historical sciences shared their research and talked about the history of transportation in the oil industry.
The opening ceremony of the exhibition was attended by employees and veterans of the Embamunaigas company, company managers, students of the Atyrau Polytechnic Higher College named after S. Mukashev, Atyrau College of Business and Law.
The exhibition, organized with the aim of popularizing the history of Kazakhstani oil and oil fields in our region, will be presented to museum guests from November 7 to 15 and will continue at the sites of the fields.