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Dear Guests!

Welcome to the homepage of the local history museum. On our homepage you can be acquainted with the museum activity, holding events and exhibition, collection in fund, and order a service online.


Monday day off
Tuesday 09:00-18:00 
Wednesday 09:00-18:00 
Thursday 09:00-18:00 
Friday 09:00-18:00 
Saturday 09:00-18:00 
Sunday 09:00-18:00 
Lunch time 13:00-14:00

«The last Friday of each month is the day of cleanliness»

Virtual tour
3D models
Archaeologists found valuable finds near Karabau village

According to the annual plan, from August 21 to September 29 employees of the Atyrau regional local history museum completed excavations of the Karakudyk-1 and Karadukyk-2 mounds in Kyzylkoga district and valuable finds were discovered.

«Abai Ulttyn Ainasy»

Today, on August 10, on the occasion of the Day of Abai, a solemn event called «Abai Ulttyn Ainasy» was held on the square near the monument to Abai.

Today, August 15, is the day of archaeologists

On the eve of this professional holiday, the Atyrau Regional Museum of Local History was visited by a doctor of Cambridge University, a researcher at the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research Rebecca Roberts and PhD student in the Department of Archeology at the University of Cambridge Saltanat Amir.


On July 27, 2023, at 11:00 a.m., the Sheber-Fest master class was held at the Atyrau Regional Museum of Local History among masters who revive crafts left over from their ancestors.

Press conference

On July 17, at the Atyrau Regional Museum of Local History, on the occasion of the 180th anniversary of Murat Monkeuly, the final press conference of the ethnographic expedition was held, held from June 22 to July 17 in Zhylyoi, Makat, Kyzylkoga, Inder, Makhambet districts of Atyrau region.


In the period from May 29 to July 17, archaeological excavations organized by the Atyrau Regional Museum of Local History were carried out on the territory of the Taskeshu caravanserai.

Local history museum of Atyrau region

Atyrau city, street B.Momyshuly 3.

Tel. 8 (7122) 32-36-64, 8 (7122) 32-29-12

Email: atyrau-museum@mail.ru