Ғылыми зерттеу

Dear Guests!

Welcome to the homepage of the local history museum. On our homepage you can be acquainted with the museum activity, holding events and exhibition, collection in fund, and order a service online.


Monday day off
Tuesday 09:00-18:00 
Wednesday 09:00-18:00 
Thursday 09:00-18:00 
Friday 09:00-18:00 
Saturday 09:00-18:00 
Sunday 09:00-18:00 
Lunch time 13:00-14:00

«The last Friday of each month is the day of cleanliness»

Virtual tour
3D models

Атырау облысы тарихи-өлкетану музейі қор коллекцияларының ғылыми каталогын шығардыOn the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the Local History Museum of Atyrau Region, scientific catalogs of "paleontological", "archaeological", "jewelry", "weapons", "musical instruments" collections have been published from the most valuable exhibits from the museum funds and museum departments in Kazakh, Russian, English, Turkish, Chinese. In the course of preparing the scientific collection, comprehensive research work was carried out, their terms, material, technique, dimensions, samples, application, registration mark and scientific definition were set out, as a result of which a large collection was published for specialists engaged in scientific research.

In the Local history museum of Atyrau region in November 30, 2017, an intellectual contest was held within the framework of "One country - one book". The purpose of the competition is to promote Kazakh literature, historical and cultural and spiritual heritage, patriotism, and educate young people to read books, to discover the value of a work of art through conversation, training, outlook, and development of linguistic wealth.

Within the framework of the article by President N.A. Nazarbayev "Future orientation: spiritual revival "Let’s protect and appreciate nature" event was organized" in the Local history museum of Atyrau region On November 24, 2017 at 10.00.

The importance of the event was to teach students how to protect the nature of their land, to cultivate kindness, charity and harmony, and to enlighten ecological literacy.

The historical and informative lesson "Navy man" dedicated to the captain I rank of the Naval Forces Kuangali Ikharov was held for Zh. Zhabayev secondary school No. 21 in the Local History Museum of Atyrau region on November 14, 2017 at 11.00 am.

The lesson was presented to the younger generation in order to get acquaintance with the life and heroic deeds of the first captain of the Navy Forces, K.Ikharov for training them in freedom of thought.

Local history museum of Atyrau region

Atyrau city, street B.Momyshuly 3.

Tel. 8 (7122) 32-36-64, 8 (7122) 32-29-12

Email: atyrau-museum@mail.ru