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Monday day off
Tuesday 09:00-18:00 
Wednesday 09:00-18:00 
Thursday 09:00-18:00 
Friday 09:00-18:00 
Saturday 09:00-18:00 
Sunday 09:00-18:00 
Lunch time 13:00-14:00

«The last Friday of each month is the day of cleanliness»

Virtual tour
3D models

A contest of patriotic songs occasioned with 71 years of the Great Patriotic War and the birthday of the National Hero Kh.Dospanova were conducted on May 5. The ceremonial event began with floral tribute to a monument of Kh.Dospanova. The patriotic songs were sung by the students of the Academy of folk music named after A.Sundetov and pupils of urban schools. Also, girl’s patriotic club from Aktubinsk “Aliya, Manshuk, Khiuaz”, a dancing group “Aliyaguli” presented in the event.

As a part of the festivities of 25 years anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a ceremonial opening of exposition room “History of independence of Kazakhstan” was held on April 29. In the opening of room 120 people took part:  administration of the akim of Atyrau region, the representatives of the akim of Atyrau region, members of Assembly of Nations of Kazakhstan, professional class of the region, heads of the enterprise implemented under a state-run program of the industrial and innovative development, Culture, Achieve, Documentation Department of Atyrau region as well as the personnel of cultural institution and media.

The evening under name “Күйөнерініңтарланы” occasioned with 70 years anniversary of the National artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan Karshyga Akhmediyarovwas held on April 19. The event was held with the aim of acquaintance with the creative heritage of K.Akhmediyarov. The kyuis of K.Akhmediyarov “Akmeshit”, “Arpalys” were performed and a video clip of  kyui “Kosbasar” by K.Akhmediyarov was shown in the evening.

«Өлкеміздегі археологиялық ескерткіштер» educational lesson occasioned with the International day of monument protection and historical sites was conducted on April 15. On the lesson the participants were acquainted with historical and archeological sites and cultural heritage of Atyrau region. The lesson was carried out with a slide show and telling the story  about archeological monuments of Atyrau region in the room of “History of region between XII and XX cc.”At the end of lesson participants answered the question on the given task. The teachers and pupils of 10th form of the secondary school No.12 named after F.Dosymov presented on the lesson.

Educational excursion “Мұражайдың ғажайып әлемі ”was conducted in Atyrau regional local history museum on April 8. The aim of excursion is interesting and available acquaintance with museum, local history, culture and nature for pupils of junior schools, increasing their interest to museum. The pupils of junior schools first visiting museum were invited to the excursion. Educational excursions through expositional room were conducted for them and were organized national games “Sakinasalu”, “Ushty-ushty”, guessing game “Oilanzhane tap” in the nature room.

«Бөкей ордасындағы Жәңгір ханның саяси тұлғасы» educational lesson devoted to 215 years of foundation of Bukey khanate was given on March11. In the course of lesson, participants got information about the ruling period of Zhangir khan. On top of that, they understood the meaning of founding such states as Inner Horde, or Bukey khanate thatleft a mark in history of the Kazakhs: the Kazakhs of Junior zhuz could migrate to the right shore of Ural. The lesson was accompanied by slide shows. The teachers and pupils of the secondary school No.15 named after Abay presented on the lesson.

Local history museum of Atyrau region

Atyrau city, street B.Momyshuly 3.

Tel. 8 (7122) 32-36-64, 8 (7122) 32-29-12

Email: atyrau-museum@mail.ru