An exhibition of graphic picture on the social theme “Сөйле сурет” by artist Ansagan Mustafa

The ceremonial openingof an exhibition of graphic picture on the social theme “Сөйле сурет” by artist Ansagan Mustafa was in the shopping mall “Atyrau” on February 11, 2016. The deputy akim of Atyrau region Sh.Mukan, chief editor of “Ak bosaga” newspaper Sholpan Ugybaykyzy, directors of cultural institution, students of Kh.Dosmukhamedov Atyrau State University, students of  K.Dutbayev Atyrau Pedagogical College, museum staff, members, city guests and media personnel presented while opening of the exhibition. Total amount of people are 150.

In the event the deputy akim of Atyrau region Sh.Mukan stood out with opening speech, veteran worker R.Mursaliyev and an author of picture sheered a band of ceremony. 52 pictures were introduced in the exhibition.

From February 11 to 14, the exhibition was held in the shopping mall “Atyrau”, from February 15 to 20 in the shopping mall “Tamasha”, there were 3725 visitors.

An exhibition of graphic picture on the social theme “Сөйле сурет” by artist Ansagan Mustafa




Local history museum of Atyrau region

Atyrau city, street B.Momyshuly 3.

Tel. 8 (7122) 32-36-64, 8 (7122) 32-29-12
