General information of the literary and cognitive evening dedicated to the 80th birthday anniversary of M.Satybaldiyev and M.Otaraliyev on the subject "Two early extinct flame"

In the Local HistoryMuseum in 2017 on September 7 at 11-00 in honor of the anniversary of the great Kazakh poets M.Satybaldiev and M.Otaraliev, a literary cognitive evening was held on the theme "Two early extinct flame" The lesson was attended by pupils of the school named after M. Otaraliev located in the village of Akzhayik, in the city of Atyrau.

The purpose of the lesson is to acquaintthe students withthe biography of poets and to interest them in their creativity, to acquaint students with the life and traditions of the Kazakh people, to promote cultural education, to instil and cultivate respect for the culture of the Kazakh people. During the lesson, they introduced the students to the life and work of the poets, showed photos, and read in a collection of poems "Kalampyr", "Kubelek", "Zhas dauren" by M.Otaralievand a collection of selected poems by M.Satybaldiev called "Makhambet’smonologues", "Peewit" and revealed the image of the lead character in the story "Brownlamb", the image of Zhupar. The museum employee E.Tlekkabylov prepared a presentation of the slide with photographs of the museum's collection from the life of the poet. Students read by heart the poem of the poets "Mother", "Letter for Grandmother", "Butterfly", "Waves of the Caspian Sea" "Secret of motherland" "Outdoor evening". The organizers of this school expressed gratitude to the staff of the museum, and wished them creative success. At the end they have a picture taken for memory and visited the exhibition halls.

Local history museum of Atyrau region

Atyrau city, street B.Momyshuly 3.

Tel. 8 (7122) 32-36-64, 8 (7122) 32-29-12
