It was held a meeting of the commission to select the museum fund for the third quarter of 2023

A meeting of the selection committee of the museum fund for the third quarter of 2023 was held at the Atyrau regional local history museum. At the meeting of the commission, objects of museum significance from the Zhylyoi, Kyzylkoga, Inder districtswere accepted into the museum fund. They were presented as a result of the ethno-expedition organized according to this year’s plan. Alsodocuments and materials brought to the museum from private individuals were received into the fund. The museum's fund also acceptedsilver and copper coins which found at the site of the medieval town Saraychik during archaeological excavations in 2022.

Local history museum of Atyrau region

Atyrau city, street B.Momyshuly 3.

Tel. 8 (7122) 32-36-64, 8 (7122) 32-29-12
